We start discussing, with Sze Wo Chaan Gas Co Ltd, the feasibility of paraplegic persons working at home.
– Set up a social enterprise Group to study the business model suitable for severely disabled persons.
– Direction Association allocated HKD300,000 as a kickoff funds to start a social enterprise.
– Employing our first full-time staff with disability and working with the China Disabled Services Network to develop Web pages, animation productions and gift store.
– We had Dr Chow(Minister of Food & Health Bureau), Mr Siu Wai Keung, & Mrs. Yuan Chung Yee as guests in our opening ceremony.
– Feb 08, Sze Wo Chaan Gas Co. Ltd., Caritas Hong Kong and We were jointly awarded “傑出伙伴合作計畫獎” by Caring Company.
Number of staff: 1 person with disability + 1 person in full time.
– Started holding talks & outdoor exhibition to promote our products.
– April 09, Saikung District Council reckon us as “就業無障礙關愛僱主”.
– Nov 09, we were reckon as “十八區關愛僱主” on international rehab day.
Number of staff: 1 person with disability + 1 person in full time.
– Social enterprise website launched.
– Selling the portable barrier-free ramp, targeting more than 900,000 people over the age of 60.
– Selling life education related products.
– Join the Social Enterprise Business Centre of HSBC.
– Oct 10, received first financial support from campaign “愛心聖誕大行動2010” jointly held by RTHK3 & South China Morning Post.
Number of staff: 1 person with physical disability + 1 person in full time.
– recruiting “Direction Association” members and start training them in our centre.
– Published a book (路向) based on the financial support from “愛心聖誕大行動2010”. This book tells the story of how our life fighters live with their adversities. We also held a lot of activities based on this book. However, due to lack of experience in business operatios, this book ended in a financial loss.
Number of staff: 1 person with physical disability + 1 person in full time.
– based on the partnership with the China Disabled Persons Service network, we have completed W3C standard accessible website. With this, we won a silver medal in “Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme” held by Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. However, this mode of operation was not sustainable.
– In order to strengthen life education activities, we have drafted a concept called “Direction Association Cup” and tried to share our life experiences around all campus in hong kong. However, the scheme was rejected by funds.
Number of staff: 1 person with physical disability + 1 person in full time.
– we launched “CSR Training program (predecessor of “AQ Training program). This program stem from the our vast amount of talks(over 800) held at schools.
– April 14: CSR Training Program was sponsored by DBS Social Enterprise Optimization Fund.
– A Committee was set up and several elites from commercial sector joined us.
Number of staff: 1 disabled full-time + 1 full-time + 1 part-time.
– CSR training program received orders from customers. Customers were as far as Shanghai and Taipei.
– Social Enterprise returned all the kickoff fund to “Direction Association”.
– AQ training program was launched and life fighters were recruited as trainers.
– April 15, Social Enterprise was supported by ‘Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise’ Project which is held by Social Welfare Department.
Number of staff: 2 disabled full-time + 3 disabled part-time + 1 full-time.
– Our Training courses were held in the Hong Kong government headquarters addressing government top management teams.
– We received financial support from Hong Kong CLP.
Number of staff: 2 disabled full-time + 3 disabled part-time + 1 full-time.